Friday, May 15, 2009

Cookbooks Etc

Buying used or vintage stuff doesn't count as materialism or consumerism because it isn't contributing to the supply for new goods. At least that's what I tell myself. So without further apology here is the stuff I've found recently:

First the cookbooks, this one was too gorgeous and for a couple bucks way too good a deal to pass up:

I also love unusual cookbooks and this one seemed fairly unusual:

That is of course until I got home and my dad informed me he already owned a Burmese cookbook. My thunder was sufficiently stolen.

I also just found my own copy of this for only a couple bucks:

I think I'm the only one who likes it but I couldn't resist this teapot:

Here's the back:

And here's the mark on the bottom:

And this mug, the owls!:

Finally I got this box:

I think it probably came with some wine in it or something so it might be silly that I paid for it but I like it and it seemed super I just have to think of something to put in it.

And now I present a photo essay that illustrates what it is like to try to photograph something with a cat around:



  1. Familiar with the cat assistant. Looked at my blog lately? LOL

  2. My Aunt Betty had the whole collection of the mushroom stuff..she loved it too! It was a wild looking set...every dish and plate, you are not entirely alone!!

  3. I have that same pattern from your teakettle on my cannisters (flour, sugar, rice etc.) and they have the same Sears Roebuck stamp on the bottom! I got mine at the local thrift shop last year and I love them!

  4. I *love the teapot. So cute!
